Sunday, April 17, 2011

Qaddafi's Revolution

Muammar Qaddafi is the leader of Libya and its biggest enemy. The uprisings in Libya began as they did in Egypt and Bahrain. They began with protests and fiery demands to overthrow its oppressive leader. What makes Libya different than these other countries is that Libya's ruler decided that if he couldn't rule, than no one could. Muammar made an enemy of the world when he decided to use heavy military force on the protesters in an attempt to stop the revolts. His could have easily given up his 42 year, highly corrupt and unsuccessful rule but he decided to take the stubborn route and continue to kill his own people. The protesters were just as determined, turning simple protests into an all out civil war. A civil war that favors the Qaddafi's military because the of their organization and experience. The rebels are just civilians who decided to pick up guns and fight for their country, an ideal that symbolizes freedom in its greatest form. For a while, these noble efforts went unrewarded as the Qaddafi's forces were quickly overpowering the rebels.  This is what caused the Americans to air strike Muammar private base on March 15. A move that many questioned as unnecessary interference and an attempt to have a part in the new regime, if Qaddafi should get overthrown. The united states officially resigned any military force towards the U.N. A further U.N. resolution authorized members states to establish and enforce a no fly-zone over Libya. The Qaddafi  government then announced a ceasefire, but failed to uphold it. The war is currently going on and the rebels are trying to hold their ground against Qaddafi's advancing forces.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been keeping up with the Qaddafi story but in my opinion, a rule that lasts for so many decades, is bound to be stagnant and out of control. WHatever it takes, the people have right to rebel and I think he should have been blown out of his reign!
